Mount & Blade adalah sekurl akhir dari seri mount and blade, ini bukanlah expansian pack,. tapi stand alone, jadi anda dapat memainkannya langsung silahkan klik baca selengkapnya untuk lebih lanjut
data game
grapich : mantaph
game play : mantaph
genre : Rpg
Status : tested by me
deskripsi : game ini emang bikin addict, pertama tama kita main sendiri kita keliling desa buat rekrut pasukan, untuk kedepannya kita bisa mendirikan kerajaan atau bergabung dengan kerajaan, ada banyak kerajaan disini ok,. gak usah banyak cerita langsung aza ke TKP
grapich : mantaph
game play : mantaph
genre : Rpg
Status : tested by me
deskripsi : game ini emang bikin addict, pertama tama kita main sendiri kita keliling desa buat rekrut pasukan, untuk kedepannya kita bisa mendirikan kerajaan atau bergabung dengan kerajaan, ada banyak kerajaan disini ok,. gak usah banyak cerita langsung aza ke TKP
silahkan liat demo trailernya
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untuk cheatnya
Mount and Blade - With Fire and Sword Codes
In the Game Launcher, select Configuration and then click the "Enable Cheats" box. Then enter the following button combinations. (NOTE: Codes only work within certain context, noted in parenthesis)
+1000 Gold (in Inventory screen): CTRL+Shift+H
+1000 XP (in Character screen): CTRL+X
+1000 XP to Party Members (in Character screen for selected party member): CTRL+X
Damage Yourself: CTRL+F3
Full Health: CTRL+H
Full Horse Health: CTRL+Shift+H
Increases Weapon Proficiencies (in Character screen): CTRL+W
Knocks out a friendly troop, may take a few presses (in battle): CTRL+F6
Knocks out all enemy troops, may take a few presses (in battle): CTRL+ALT+F4
Knocks out all friendly troops, may take a few presses (in battle): CTRL+ALT+F6
Knocks out an enemy troop, may take a few presses (in battle): CTRL+F4
Knocks out enemy troops within line of sight while zoomed, may take a few presses (in battle): CTRL+Shift+F4
Reveals everything on map except for hidden hideouts (World Map screen): CTRL+T
Teleport your party wherever you like (World Map screen): CTRL+Left Click
Mount and Blade: With Fire and Sword Download Minimum System Requirements
- Operating system: Windows 2000/ME/XP/Vista/Windows 7
- Processor: 2.1Ghz or higher
- Memory: 1 GB
- Hard disk space: 900 MB
- Video: Graphics card (128 MB+)
- Sound: Direct X-compatible sound card
- DirectX®: Directx9c
- Other Requirements: 3-button mouse, keyboard and speakers. Internet Connection required for multiplayer (up to up to 16 players) and Online Activation
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Link dwnloadny mana gan..??